Bobot overview

A Boe-bot is a build-it yourself robot that you can implement comands and orderss in through a app called basic stamp once you turn on the Boebot. Here is a link to the Boe-bot website to learn additional information on it: Boe-Bot website link.

Boe-bot uses very complicated codes to command the Boe-bot, once you get use to it it isnt hard to understand. You can code you Boe-bot to turn in patterns, do a circle, move in reverse, use sensor lights, and even move in a certain direction if you touch the whisker component.

Here's a rough idea of how a code for a Boe-Bot would look like and their meanings.

DO Loop for your commands

Forward_Pulse: Sends a single foward pulse

PULSOUT 13, 650

PULSOUT 12, 650

PULSOUT 13, 650



Turn_Right: Right turn, about 90-degrees

FOR pulseCount= 0 to 20

PULSOUT 13, 850

PULSOUT 12, 850




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Java script page

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